English Tutors

Individuals needed to work a flexible part-time schedule effective with the 2024-2025 school year tutoring students in English concepts in a career and technical education setting.  Certification preferred but not required.  Small student/teacher ratio.  $30.00 per hour.  Interested individuals submit letter of interest, resume, state standard application (click here for application), credentials, copy of certificate, and three letters of recommendation to:  Carbon Career & Technical Institute, 150 West 13th Street, Jim Thorpe, PA  18229, attn: Chris Graver or cgraver@carboncti.org. Act 24, Act 34, Act 114, Act 151, Act 168 and all mandated clearances required upon hire.  Questions call Michelle Allen, Principal at 570-413-9998.  Deadline for applications: Open until filled.   *EOE

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