Senior Letter – 1/13/2025
January 13, 2025
Dear Parents/Guardians of the “Class of 2025”,
It’s hard to believe that in only a few short months, your son/daughter will be graduating.
Below is important information regarding senior events for the upcoming months.
NOCTI – All seniors must be in attendance for the NOCTI performance on April 30, 2025.
This is an important day for our seniors and our school. NOCTI written and performance
testing is mandatory for all CCTI seniors including half – time seniors. Transportation will
be provided if needed; however, students may drive to school that day. Students may
also be dropped off and picked up by their parents when they have completed their
NOCTI evaluations. This is an In – Service day on the school calendar for all underclass
students. Seniors must be at school. Attendance is mandatory.
Graduation – The graduation date has been set! Graduation will be Tuesday June 3, 2025
at 5:00pm at Carbon Career & Technical Institute’s field. Severe weather date is
Wednesday June 4, 2025. In the event that severe weather is predicted for June 4th, the
ceremony will be moved to Jim Thorpe High School Auditorium. The decision to move
will be made by 9:00am on June 4, 2025, and an all call will go out to all parents. More
information will be sent home in coming months. Cap & Gown information has been
posted on the Senior google classroom and also distributed to all seniors. If your senior
has not yet received their cap & gown, or has not ordered a cap & gown, please see me
IMMEDIATELY!! All seniors must wear a cap & gown to participate in graduation. Cap
decoration guidelines will be forthcoming, and only school issued pins and sashes are
allowed. (CTSO’S, Health Med, President pin, Military, NTHS sash and pin). No flip flops,
sneakers or jeans are to be worn.
Graduation Practice – Graduation practice is MANDATORY for all seniors participating in
the ceremony. Practice will be held on Monday June 2, 2025, from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm.
Seniors should park in the front parking lot and report directly to the field. Do not enter
the school.
PROM – This year’s prom will be held on Friday, May 9, 2025, at Blue Mountain Resort in
Palmerton, from 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm. Doors open at 5:00pm, dinner will be served at
6:00pm.This is a Junior/Senior Prom only.The prom committee is busy making plans to
ensure that it is a special night for all those who attend. The cost of tickets will
be covered for any CCTI student that wishes to attend. The cost will be $56.00 for guests
or non-CCTI students. Tickets will be available in the cafeteria during both lunches
starting April 2, 2025 through April 15, 2025. Students may pay with cash or check.
Checks should be made payable to “CCTI Class of 2025”. Permission slips must be
returned for EVERYONE who is attending the prom. Prom guests must be in 9 th grade or
higher and under the age of 21. Prom picture papers will be distributed with Prom
Senior Shirts – CCTI administration has graciously paid for every senior to receive a
senior shirt. They have been distributed!
Yearbooks – Yearbooks are still available to order online. The link to order online is: The cost is $35.00. The deadline to
order online is April 1, 2025, and the deadline to order in person at CCTI is April 5, 2025.
Senior Photo information:
Photo should be Head to waist. No pets and no other people. Full body photos will require
approval from the advisor. Photo resolution minimum 300dpi and the minimum physical size is 3.5″
wide x 4″ tall.
Submit photos to Mrs. Johannsen by email in the largest possible
size to Please confirm that Mrs.
Johannsen has received your photos. DO NOT hand in a printed hard
copy of your photo because it will look too blurry. Photos must be
school appropriate and will be subject to approval by administration, if
Photos are due no later than February 1, 2025. (NO EXCEPTIONS).
AP Exams- English/Literature is May 7, 2025
Senior Awards Night- Is scheduled for May 21, 2025 at 6:00 pm in the CCTI Cafeteria.
Students and their parents will be notified if your son or daughter will be receiving an
award. This is a special evening when seniors are recognized for their effort
and success. Please encourage them to dress appropriately for the evening. The local
newspaper and Channel 13 may be in attendance.
Senior Class Trip – The senior class will be going to Knoebel’s Amusement Resort on
Thursday May 22, 2025 for our senior class trip. All students attending MUST ride the bus
to and from the Park. If there is an issue with this, please contact Mrs. Kohutka. All
seniors that are attending the trip MUST have a signed permission slip to Mrs. Kohutka
BEFORE April 1, 2025. If your senior student does not want to participate in the trip, then
they are expected to be in school on that day or it will be an unexcused absence. CCTI
will cover the cost of the all day ride pass for each senior attending. They will need
money for food, games and any souvenirs.
Attendance- Please remind your son/daughter that (per our school handbook),
Attendance, grades, discipline and behavior will be considered for approval to participate
in all end of the year activities—Prom, graduation, field trips, etc.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me during school
hours at 570-325-3682 ext. 1513 or by email at
Mrs.Sandi Kohutka
“Class of 2025” Advisor
Mrs. Michelle Allen
CCTI Principal
DATES to remember:
April 30 – NOCTI Performance
May 7 – AP English Exam
May 9 – Prom (5:00pm – 10:30PM)
May 21 – Senior Awards Night
May 22 – Senior Class Trip
June 2 – Graduation Practice (8:30-12:00)
June 3 – Graduation at CCTI at 5:00 pm ( graduates report at